Forms are documents with fields to write or select for a series of documents with similar content.
In the simplest “form” , HTML forms have a form tag, input tag, type attributes with some sort of button.

Forms get their start in the law field in the 16th century Kings used forms to make sure when they conquered new realms that all the court abide by the laws proposed by the Kings.
This leads to lawyers using forms in the 19th century to quicken the process of filing complaints.
Web forms in the early days of Personal computers forms were downloaded from hard disk printed, filled and mailed via the postal service. These forms were mostly used to subscribe.
In 1994 the first forms boom happened because of the good ole internet when e-commerce becomes a thing. Even though online shopping was a thing in the 70’s It’s been debated that the first thing sold on the internet was in August 1994 Sting’s Ten summoner’s Tales album and marijuana in the 70’s between Stanford and MIT students.
In 1999, ran an online poll which school had the top graduate school in computer science. The students in Carnegie Mellon created a program to vote thousands of times for their school and that prompted an old fashion nerd off. Between the mellons and MIT.
The 2000’s like everything else on the internet forms became very popular as credit cards were being used because our good friend the web forms has some buffed up security features. Just in time for everyone to start buying PCs.
In 2004 the launch of Facebook changes the world of forms forever. User could now build their own personalized forms, sign-up pages and surveys. Also validations just made it harder for bots to manipulating forms and spam forms.
After becoming more secure web forms started to become creative.