Helpful Tips from A Massage Therapist turned Software Engineer.
Ran out of ideas for blog posts here are some helpful tips.
They sucks, I believe most of all. Most people don’t understand that most headaches come from the neck. If your screen is lower than your horizon eye-line. The back side of your neck is were most people think about but it’s not causing headaches its the front that is being compress as we stare at computers for hours.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is no fun but I think its the most preventable of the list. Same as headaches back pain stems from the front or anterior of your body. Sitting for hours compress the hip flexor muscles in particular this sucker. Everyone meet your psoas it assist your legs to bend pass your hips. It sucks because as we sit for hours this muscle is being engaged for HOURS!!!!!!!
Carpal Tunnel
Actually I think this maybe the most avoidable. Carpal tunnel be diagnosed as many things but most commonly its when your finger tendons are having issues moving through the space at the bottom center of your palm aka the carpal tunnel.
Sleeping Issues
I don’t have any answers for this. Get more sleep. Maybe try a night massage they’re wonderful. I know this isn’t the most helpful but I need to get sleep. So good luck everyone out there.